Animal Cracker Conspiracy
KC Fairgrounds
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Animal Cracker Conspiracy

Date: Aug 16 - Aug 25, 2024

San Diego based artists Bridget Rountree and Iain Gunn are Animal Cracker Conspiracy, a contemporary collaborative hybrid puppet company invested in peering under the surface of things and pushing the boundaries of live kinetic performance.

Joining forces in 2004 with a shared desire to collaborate with one another and create performances that would radically decenter expectations, open new avenues of thought and invoke the uncanny. Their ongoing performance practice is based in devising hybrid performance, as well as creating frameworks for collaboration, investigation, and discovery of the stories hidden amongst us.

Their shared interest and exploration of where fine art, puppetry, performance art, physical theater, and mixed media intersect is a continued source of inspiration for their work. ACC seek the creation of emergent structures, defining the work through layering symbols, images, film, sounds, movement, and puppets on stage.

Traversing abstractions of movement from the material to immaterial, folk to contemporary, and intellectual to intuitive. ACC actively cultivates the suspension of disbelief by employing immediate choreography, embracing the unknown, and using the manipulation of puppets to create original stories.
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