You can also find updates on the
YSSS Facebook page3/20/25 - In-Person YQCA training dates set and announced -
2/25/25 - Extra resources posted here:
2/21/25 - Entry deadline for rabbits updated here:
1/31/25 - Initial Weigh-in Dates and Mandatory Poultry Testing/Rabbit Tattooing posted -
1/24/25 - a *Working Draft* of the 2025 Livestock Calendar has been posted here:
1/15/25 - Small Animal Showmanship Changes Posted:
1/1/25 - Rules Update
All new YSSS rules have been posted online here:
7/24/24 - Exhibitor Update
Online Entries for animal and non-animal exhibits are DUE AUG 2nd by 5pm
Register here:
The following list contains all of the documents that are required for exhibiting at the NISF as well as WHERE to submit them. If you have any questions on these, please email All forms can be downloaded here:
- W9 - should have been filled out on Showorks when you entered your market project. If not, bring a hard copy to weigh ins.
- Animal Affidavit (one per EXHIBITOR) – upload on your Showorks account. Due on Showorks by Aug 2nd.
- Animal Husbandry Form (one per ANIMAL) - upload on your Showorks account. Due on Showorks by Aug 2nd.
- Sale Agreement or NO Sale Form (one per ANIMAL) – bring signed to final weigh-ins
- YQCA Form:
- 4H Members – upload to your zsuites by Aug 2nd. Madison will be submitting the list to the Fair.
- FFA and Independent Exhibitors – bring a printed copy of your certificate to final weigh ins.
- Blue Brand Inspection Paper (Cattle only) OR Hauling Slip (Farm Born Cattle Only) due at final weigh in
- Independent Exhibitor Packets – All Independent Exhibitors must complete this packet and turn it in by September 4th to the Fair Office in order to receive your sale check. See link above to download your packet.
Animal Health Check Reminders from our Fair Vet:
- Pay attention to withdrawal dates! This includes antibiotics, dewormers, vaccines, and other medications; injectable, oral, and topical products
- Document any treatments on your Animal Husbandry form (date, product, amount, route, how many doses/days treated) and bring forms to weigh-in (if changes are made after the Aug 2nd due date).
- Animals for Fair cannot be ill or have signs of contagious disease
- Contact your primary care veterinarian for recommendations NOW to have enough time to respond to treatment and clear withdrawal times
Some general items the vet will be looking for at the Health Check:
- Animals for Fair cannot be ill or have signs of contagious disease; this includes, but is not limited to:
- No draining lesions (pus/blood/other fluid), open sores, pustules, or abscesses that are painful when palpated or 'about to burst'
- Ringworm must be healed to not have any flaky/crusty skin, and no loose or easily pulled hairs at the edges
- No soremouth (scabs around lips)
- No external parasites
- No fever, excessive cough/nasal discharge/diarrhea
- No pinkeye
Senior Spotlight:
If this will be your last year showing at the North Idaho State Fair, we’d like to highlight all of your hard work leading up to this. Please fill out this Google Form:
3/1/2024 - Update
Entry is officially open!
2/20/2024 - Update
An in-person YQCA training has been scheduled for May 22, 2024 at 5 PM in Building 3, followed by an opportunity to visit with the official fair veterinarian. For the vet's guidance about health concerns, please submit your contact info and animal photos through the website form.
2/19/2024 - Update
Welcome Andrew and Robert to the committee! Superintendents for 2024 have been updated.
1/25/2024 - Update
Documents updated for 2024!
* Schedule of events for the Youth Stock Show and Sale
*Class list for Department 26-Youth Stock Show
1/15/2024 - Update
Documents updated for 2024!
What changed:
*Rules and Regulations: any changes are highlighted.
*The Animal Affidavit does NOT require a notary this year.
*Exhibitor Selling Agreement: changes are highlighted.
**NEW: All Independent Exhibitors must complete and submit the Independent Exhibitor Report for each entry by 4 PM Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
12/18/2023 - Update
Applications available for YSSS Committee members and Species Superintendents, due January 14, 2024.
11/22/2023 - UpdateWeigh-in Dates have been set for the 2024 Youth Stock Show and Sale. Cattle: April 7 | Swine: May 18 | Lamb & Goats: June 912/23/2022 - UpdateApplications for the 2022/2023 North Idaho State Fair Youth Stock Show & Sale Committee have closed. If you are interested in learning more ways to support, please email
The North Idaho State Fair, University of Idaho Kootenai/Shoshone County 4-H and Kootenai County FFA are excited to announce the new North Idaho Youth Stock Show and Sale set to kick off at the 2023 North Idaho State Fair!
Everything you know and love about livestock exhibits and marketing at the North Idaho State Fair will be the same, except adding a new option for independent youth livestock exhibitors to show and sell their animals. We can't wait to tell you more in the coming months. Make sure to keep an eye on social media and the North Idaho State Fair website for the 2023 schedule and full rules.
Would you like to help? We’re seeking adults who are passionate about livestock and positive youth education (with skills that might be beneficial in planning and conducting shows and the annual sale) to consider applying for the North Idaho State Fair Youth Stock Show & Sale Committee. Applications can be found below and are due by November 16th, 2022 at 5 PM.
Thank you for the continued support for our Community!